□ The current route for procuring raw materials make it difficult to control supply quantity and price.
□ Searching for safe-to-use proteoglycan
□ Searching for for state-of-art aging care ingredients
□ Searching for material with a moisturizing effect potentially greater than that of hyaluronic acid.
□ Searching for material which can repair skin damage and wrinkles.
□ The freshness of raw materials is also a major concern
□ Searching for completely domestic raw materials
□ Searching for Halal-certified raw materials

〇Moisturizing/water retaining effect
〇EGF-like effect (promotes epidermal cell growth)
〇Improves wrinkles
〇Promotes fibroblast proliferation
〇Promotes collagen production
〇Promotes hyaluronic acid production


The molecular weight of proteoglycan varies depending on the method and conditions of its extraction. It was first extracted from table vinegar, at which time, the molecular weight had been 450,000 Daltons. At present, by optimizing the extraction conditions, Rinais Co., Ltd. maintains a molecular weight of approximately 1.2 million Daltons without any destruction to the structure during extraction. The non-denatured 1.2 million (varies from 900,000 to 1.4 million) Dalton proteoglycan maintains the active site at the C-terminus and N-terminus of the core protein (double active type), and possess a hyaluronic acid-binding region (water retention) as well as an EGF-like region.(cell regeneration). These characteristics maximize the effect which could be expected from proteoglycan.

In addition, Rinais Co., Ltd. has realized the manufacture of a ultra-high molecular weight proteoglycan with an average molecular weight of 2 to 4.15 million Daltons (2~3 times higher than usual), whereas the average molecular weight of the conventional proteoglycan is 1.2 million Daltons. This is realized by controlling various parameter throughout the entire manufacturing process, from the extraction of salmon nasal cartilage, which is the raw material, to purification. This manufacturing method has been patented (Patent No. 6611968), and the proteoglycan produced using this patented technology is the chain-linked active proteoglycan.


When using a smartphone, please swipe to the left to see the entire table.
non-denatured proteoglycan 1.0% or more Normal pressure drying method using heat (180℃, 16 hours or more)
Molecular weight (non-denatured proteoglycan) Peak top:2,500~3,200kDa HPLC absolute molecular weight measurement method (Multi-angle light scattering detection)


Chain-linked active proteoglycan is extracted from the nasal cartilage of salmon caught in Hokkaido. The cartilage is collected and cleansed on the same day as the salmon is caught in order to maintain freshness. It is extracted using a low-temperature raw squeezing method. The elimination of high-temperature processing prevents the composition is undestroyed. The Hokkaido salmon nasal cartilage used in the chain-linked activated proteoglycan must satisfy the following conditions.




This patent describes a manufacturing method for producing ultra-high molecular weight proteoglycans averaging at 2.0 to 4.15 million Daltons by controlling various parameter conditions throughout the entire production process, from the extraction to the purification of salmon nasal cartilage, the raw material for proteoglycan. Until now, the average molecular weight of the conventional proteoglycan mass-produced by Rinais Co., Ltd. averages at 1.2 million Daltons, whereas with this patented technology, it is possible to produce proteoglycan with a molecular weight 2~3 times of that amount.



Ingredients are GMP, Kosher, and HALAL certified.



Proteoglycan which is an important constituent of cartilage and skin, decreases with age, including its molecular weight. The loss of water retention due the decrease in proteoglycan is thought to be one of the causes of age-related dry skin. For example, unbroken polymeric chainlinked proteoglycan is known to be found in baby skin, while broken proteoglycan with small molecular weight is found in the skin of the elderly. When using proteoglycan in cosmetics or health foods, we recommend chain-linked proteoglycans (baby skin proteoglycans).


For skin care products

・Facial wash, soap, makeup remover, lotion, emulsion, cream, Wei solution, sheet mask

For body-care products

・Body soap, body lotion , body cream

For hair care products

・Shampoo, conditioner, treatment, hair growth products


For supplements

・Soft capsules, hard capsules, tablets

For health foods

・Drinks, smoothies, jellies



Being from Hokkaido myself, I sensed the potential in Hokkaido salmon, and although I have been working with salmon-derived proteoglycan as a raw material for over 15 years, this is the first time I have felt so excited.

It was about 5 years from now. Day and night, I continued to search for effective ways to extract non-denatured proteoglycans from salmon without wasting any, and to establish methods for their analysis. There were many days where I stayed overnight in the laboratory immersed in research of highly pure proteoglycans.


I had gone through a range of hardships, but through trial and error, I continued to devote myself to pursuing the non-denatured property. Then one day I suddenly encountered a great possibility.

When I saw the molecular weight of a proteoglycan that was bigger than I had ever seen before or could imagine, I couldn't believe my eyes at first. Barely able to suppress my excitement, I gathered all the staff and asked each one to confirm it. I wasn’t sure whether it was a coincidence or an analysis mistake, but in order to make this a reality, I decided to proceed with my research on proteoglycans in aim of reproducibility.


Needless to say, I fully understood that without reproducibility, it would be difficult to commercialize this proteoglycan. Still, I simply refused to give up. The research took more time than I had expected as I had conducted it in between the production of ongoing products. Even so we were finally able to achieve stable manufacturing, and to realize the commercialization of chain-linked active proteoglycans.

We strongly believe and look forward to the potential of chain-linked active proteoglycan, which have a molecular weight 2~3 times larger than that of the usual proteoglycan, as well as to the possibility of opening up a new world.


If you are interested, the person in charge will explain the contents of each type of test as well as precedent cases. Please feel free to contact us.



  • Contact
  • Please decide on the OEM destination ※ If necessary, we can send raw material samples to the specified factory (please ask us regarding quantity and frequency)
  • We shall deliver the raw materials to the specified destination within one month from the date of order
  • After that, communication will take between your company and the OEM company


  • Contact
  • Consultation meeting
  • Propose plan and consider specifications
  • Make prototype and evaluate
  • Decide on prescription
  • consider container, design and packaging
  • consider container, design and packaging
  • Manufacture product
  • Quality inspection
  • Deliver finished product
  • follow-up

If you are interested, the person in charge will explain the contents of each type of test as well as precedent cases. Please feel free to contact us.


連鎖結合活性型プロテオグリカン 正規総代理店

UMARERU Inc. is the exclusive agent of raw materials for “chain-linked active proteoglycan” manufactured by Rinais Co., Ltd. For any questions concerning “chain-linked active proteoglycan”, please feel free to contact us.